Thursday, March 18, 2010

Naughty or Not?


As per Webster's Collegiate 9th Ed:

As a verb: "to put oneself in a humble and submissive posture or state".

As an adjective: "stretched out with face on the ground in adoration or submission" (see 'prone') or alternatively, "lacking in vitality or will".

Used in sentences, "She demanded he prostrate himself before her." Or "She was prostrate with grief."

Note the all-too-frequent error of the use of the word "prostate" in place of the above.

Not. The. Same. Thing. At. All.

A prostate is the dangling appendange that men hold dear. Figuratively speaking.

The sentences would read:

"When told by the Grand High Poo-Bah that his punishment would be the loss of his prostate by sword, the hero became prostrate with terror."

Nobody lies "prostate" on the ground. They could lie prostrate WITH their prostate on the ground, though.

Pays to double check these words.

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