Sunday, April 12, 2009

Do It Yourself Vocabulary

Shakespeare did it. So why can't I? I can, in fact, make up words.

It is probably a bit easier today when new words pop onto the scene daily. To whit: I twitter, therefore I tweet. Or something like that (actually, to twitter is the verb, the result of a twitter is a tweet - what I would really like someone to answer for me is, if I twitter, why am I not a Twit?)

Anyway. I coined the phrase: humongolicious (meaning: a large, muscular, hunky man). I referred to my day job responsibilities as "Everestian" (meaning nearly insurmountable except for the truly Sherpa-esque among us).

And when I congratulated an e-friend with "fantabulistic" regarding her recent success (don't ask me who or what, I try to be supportive of all), she thought it was a great word.

Then, of course, are my current references to all things "e-". My "e-boyfriend", "e-friends", "e-debates" and so forth. Forget e-books, I'm an e-phenom waiting to happen.

The universe is filled with amazing words that can describe everything from A to zed. But never forget that a new word can sum up something no one else may ever have thought of.

Seriously, someone, somewhere came up with the word, "Dingleberry". It was not from the Latin, trust me.

Don't know what it means? Honey, grab that dictionary.

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