Thursday, December 11, 2008

Too much of a good thing can be FULSOME

Fulsome. An adjective meaning, in short, excessive, cloying (Oxford American Desk Dictionary)

Webster's offers a veritable array of definitions, however - 1. characterized by abundance; copious (OK, that's not too bad). 2. offensive to the senses or to moral or aesthetic sensibility; disgusting (Ouch!), 3. excessively complimentary or flattering; lavish; and obsequious (I can hear the tush-kissing now!); 4. exceeding the bounds of good taste; overdone.

(adverb - fulsomely; noun - fulsomeness)

What might be some antonyms? Stingy. Sparing in praise? Paltry.

Now come on, we all know a fulsome sort of individual. Ooh, ooh, I can name one! Remember this FULSOME praise? "You are the best governor ever--deserving of great respect!"

Harriet Miers to the object of her fulsome affections - W.

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